Family-To-Family Programs

FTF programs offer donors several ways to help those living in poverty in Guatemala.  One way involves the monthly sponsorship of a family or individuals who are elderly, abandoned, or disabled.  Other (more community-related) ways channel donor assistance to self-help, training and education programs, or to housing and emergency programs.

Program Types

Sponsorship: The two programs in this category focus on helping a specific family to gain self-supportive skills or providing assistance to those unable to support themselves.

  • Family Sponsorship This program is a $40/month contribution. The sponsorship supports a selected family's skills training programs for up to four years to improve income-earning potential while building a home and gaining the ability to provide for essential needs such as food, clothing, and medicine.

  • Family Assistance This monthly commitment ranges between $20-$40. The funds provide food/housing/medical support to a disabled or elderly person.

Self-help, Training & Community: This is a collection of programs that fall under the following categories:

  • Training courses/supplies for groups of families to benefit from entrepreneurial programs such raising crops, fruit tree or coffee production, reforestation, or raising/breeding animals (cows, pigs, sheep, chickens).

  • Community projects to improve food/water supply, roads, local environment, and education.

  • Educational support to help families with tuition, books, breakfast programs, school supplies, etc.

Housing & Emergency: The programs in this category focus on providing physical aid in the form of housing and disaster relief.

  • Housing for families in the FTF program and others in desperate need, e.g., storm refugees. These funds are used for the construction of latrines and stoves, building materials, and household items (e.g., bed, cupboard).

  • Emergency food, supplies and housing for families/communities in urgent need, victims of natural disasters, etc.